Your New Year Goals are going to fail - Do this instead
New Year Goals - 99.9% of your New Year goals are going to fail. Do this instead

The writing is on the wall, the ink barely dry and already your goals are weakening.
I'm not telling you anything new here.
Deep down you know it, but few are willing to face facts, and fewer still are willing to face themselves.
Now I'd rather not upset you, but on the other hand if that is what it takes then so be it. You can always click away.
It's ironic that when you work towards a goal which ultimately fails you have been successful at failing on that goal. The work you did or did not put into it propelled you towards the failure point. You achieved success at failing.
Most goals are like this, they are sucker goals and probably you have already been thinking about them for the coming year.
I'm not telling you this as a higher celestial being with infinite knowledge of goal setting. I'm just telling you that I have set the same goals, the same sucker ideas that were destined to fail and did fail.
Experience is the greatest teacher. The act of doing and failing. It is being willing to change direction that will give you the success you want.
What have I learned from my previous new year goals over the years? Three things:
What a sucker goal is, why every sucker goal fails and how to identify a sucker goal before it gets hold of you. I learned to STOP and do something else before repeating the same mistakes when the next new year comes around.
Now, whilst it makes me a little uncomfortable to say what I am going to say now, I must say it, because unless you adopt this same mindset you are going to fail in your goals.
So... I don't care whether this works for you or not. I don't care if you disagree. In a way I hope that you do, as that will mean I'm communicating with an original thinker.
You have to stop caring what others think about you. Or what you 'perceive' them to be thinking about you. Caring about what others think drives you into a mode of societal thinking and acting. From this mental state you will create goals for your life that have little connection to who you really are.
I love original thinkers. I love the off-the-wall ideas. I love their ability to laugh at their own insanity of some of their ideas. Most of all I love the way they push on in life and become everything they can be. I like how they are willing to expose themselves to ridicule in the pursuit of what they believe to be worthwhile.
Sucker goals cling to you like a parasitic ivy clings to a tree. If left unchecked the ivy will use the tree as support. It will rob it of sunlight and nutrients. If left unchecked the tree will die. This process can take many years as the ivy literally sucks the future life out of the tree.
Sucker goals are like the ivy. Sucker goals can't stand on their own. They can't exist independently. They are created based on what society says success is. Worse still is that these goals are completely divorced from the essence of who the goal creator is. Of who you really are.
So how can you tell if your goals are sucker goals?
Well, they don't fit you. They hang like an XL t-shirt on the body of a skinny teenager. These goals are never going to come to fruition. One year from now that XL t-shirt is still not going to fit or feel right.
This is what happens when you create goals that are not based on who and what you are. Who you are is your inner self, the real you with everything stripped away, it's the naked you looking at your reflection.
Who you are should not be changed; your core self is your unique self, the real you, the undeniably core being that makes you the special creation that you are.
Trying to change this is always going to throw up obstacles as you try to develop a life that is a lie to yourself.
But you want more, right? More money, more life, more happiness. If you don't then you are not human and you are telling yourself a lie that is comfortable to believe.
This lie is nothing more than a sorry excuse for accepting your life will be unremarkable and average in every sense of what average is.
It's accepting you will work for a meagre lot and believe in the lie of retirement happiness. Believing in this lie will end in poverty. And make no mistake,
retirement poverty is real, and it will come to millions of unprepared.
Sucker goals fail because you are buying into goals that are not aligned with who you are. Sucker goals don't mean YOU are a sucker in the sense of the word. What they mean is that these goals will suck the very life out of you. They will consume your energy, leaving you feeling weak and unmotivated.
The only protection you have is learning how to recognise these societal goals before they take root, before they start to distract you from what you really want from your life.
The most important questions when thinking about creating a goal are: where did the thought of this goal come from? What made you choose that goal? Why is this goal important to you?
This is the time to dig deep, and the only tool you have to do the digging is the deeper and deeper questioning of this goal. It is rare indeed you will be able to go ten questions deep before the goal becomes unstable and starts to collapse.
But the true goal, the goal that is aligned with you, the real you, the underlying core self of who and what you are, that will stand up to any level of questioning.
No goal is greater than the one that aligns with your core self.
If you want money, do not think of money. Money is a by-product of action. Action arrives from desire, and desire arrives from your real self desiring more life.
That is the one true goal of life... MORE life.
So now it's time to choose. Societal goals or the expression of the real you.
One will take you on a journey of competitive frustration, of stress, struggle and disappointment. The other will lead you to more life, more enjoyment, more pleasure, more satisfaction.
In choosing your goals, first explore yourself. Find out what your core self is built upon. Discover the values that you will defend. When you understand these values your goals will become clear.
Ultimately all your individual goals will boil down to one single goal which is the desire to produce a greater version of your core self. To live your truth.
To live this version of yourself you will need financial freedom.
Your job now, your only job is to align your goals and your actions with your desired outcome.
So now it comes down to choosing a vehicle that will attract to you the level of finance that you need. This is not difficult providing you do not once again fall into the societal thinking on this.
The method?
Wait, listen, observe, do not consciously choose goals, instead let your goals bubble to the surface. Your only action in this process is to hold the vision of enjoying more of what you are, expressing more of yourself outward so that you can receive more in return.
Making money is not difficult when you align your core self with providing others with the ability or means to give more life to their core self.
Let me repeat that...
Making money is not difficult when you align your core self with providing others with the ability or means to give more life to their core self.
This simple and yet powerful circular force will provide you with everything you desire your life to be.
The curtains are about to open, the music is rising. Don't wait to prepare. Step out onto the stage of your life. Everything you desire is already there, all you have to do is take possession of it.
Take care, and have a wonderful day.